Lazlo Parker
30.00 €
Who is Lazlo Parker ?
He is an obscure artist, rising from the depths of the moebiusian subconscious, he is an expert in mecanico-organic shapes, a compulsive obsessive drawer, an amateur poet...
« The objective was to create shapes showing nothing in particular, but inhabited and fed by a powerful and unbridled sense of representation, light, shade, forms, perspective, and expertise. »
Beyond the figurative representations that built his success, Mœbius was interested in more abstract forms, hybrid creations alluding to both the unpredictable logic of nature and the regular workings of the machine. Lazlo Parker, in this way, is the alias inhabiting one the notebooks in which Mœbius was able to experiment with an unexpected style, creating new and intriguing forms, further widening his vast range of expression..
Please note : There are 7 pages of text written in french only.
3 000 copies
Format : 15,5 x 21,5 cm
320 pages of illustrations and poems, comes with an ex-libris !